Saturday, April 14, 2012

22 Ounces

One of our friends had recently brought over two 22 ounce beers for us to try.  This week while eating dinner and watching TV we opened and split both of them.  The first night it was Sea Monater, the Ballast Point Imperial Stout.  The second night it was the Fresh Hop IPA from the Lips of Faith Series by New Belgium.
We had the Sea Monster after dinner as we were watching TV for the night.  I really liked it.  It was big and rich in chocolate and coffee flavor.  The coffee flavor was a little to overwhelming for Mark as he doesn't like coffee and he gave the end of this beer to me.  This beer boasts an ABV of 10% as well so as good one to split on a weekday!

The Fresh Hop IPA we drank as we were cooking and then with dinner.  We've had a good number of New Belgium beers and I've reviewed a few of them now but this one was new to me.  When Mark first poured it, it had a cloudy color to it before it settled into a nice golden color.  The hop flavor wasn't as strong in this beer as I thought it would be for an IPA.  Definitely a beer with flavor but it tasted more like a big pale ale than an IPA to me.  We both enjoyed this one and with an ABV of 7%, it still has a kick to it.

2 new at home brews this week and will have some breweries to review soon too!