Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day with Lost Coast at Harry Hobrau's

Mark and I attended another SF Beer Week event on Tuesday night for Valentine's Day.  This was a meet the brewers for Lost Coast from Eureka at Harry's Hobrau.  Harry's had 5 of the Lost Coast brews on tap and you got to keep the glass. 

Mark started with the Cocoa 8 Ball Stout while I started with the Winter Porter.  Marks Cocoa 8 Ball Stout had an ABV of 5.8% with predominant chocolate flavors.  It had a lot of the nice roasted flavors we like about the Porters and Stouts.  It's a nice new Porter find.  The Winter Porter bosts a much higher ABV of 8%.  The prodominat flavors here were caramel and chocolate.  This is a much sweeter Porter.  I liked it but it would be too sweet for Mark's tastes.  Because of the sweetness, I think it leaned much more on the caramel flavors than the chocolate.  I liked it and would get it again. 

For round 2, Mark lightened it up with the Tangerine Wheat and I got the Cocoa 8 Ball.  I've had the Tangerine before and like it.  The tangerine smell in the beer is very noticeable and then is just as noticeable in the beer.  Mark said that this would be a really good summer beer for backyard BBQs.  It is light and drinkable and he enjoyed it. 

A good Valentine's Day at Harry's.  The four pints cost $27 and we got to keep the glasses.  Also, the Lost Cost brewer introduced himself to us and gave us a DVD about their brewery and gave me a pair of bottle cap earrings. 

Mark and his keep the pint.

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