Sunday, November 6, 2011

TV, Couch, and Beer

On Wednesday, Mark and I put a dent in the DVR shows we have saved up.  To go with our couch lounging and TV watching, we made it the ultimate lazy night with some beer drinking too, including two new brews.  First up for review, the Hoptober from New Belguim Brewing.  New Belguim also brews Fat Tire which we both will order pints of out and like. 

The Hoptober lives up to its name and is a nice, hoppy pale ale.  It had a good balance of hops as Mark (who really likes hops) and me (who thinks some IPAs are too hoppy) both liked it.  I would buy this again.  So far, I have not found a New Belguim beer I don't like.  It's a good brewery.   

Then we tried Drake's IPA brewed by Drake's Brewing in San Leandro.  I picked up this as an individual beer at BevMo because since San Leandro is close, hopefully we'll make it there someday. 
I enjoyed this beer as well.  Mark thought it was weak for an IPA though.  Actually that's probably why I liked it more...Definately had the hoppy flavor of an IPA but less of the hoppy bite that the stronger IPAs have.  A slightly watered down IPA?  I'm curious about the brewery and the rest of the beers. 

We also had one of the KBC Pumpkin ales but I've already reviewed that one.  Gotta start finishing up all these fall brews.  Stores have moved onto the winter brews!

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