Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cooking with Beer

Beer in my food?  Sounds good!  Mark and I went to the Pyramid Brewery in Berkeley in July.  Before going, I was purusing their website and found a section of recipes that use their beer.  Last night I made the Hefeweizen Shrimp Ceviche while we answered the door for Trick or Treaters.  However, when you have a party Saturday niught and have random beer leftover, you use the beer from your fridge rather than buying Pyramid Hefeweizen.  So Shock Top Shrimp Ceviche it was!  I figured the belgain white Shock Top was close enough to a Hef to give the recipe a similar flavor.  Benefit to using beer in your recipe.  When the recipe only calls for a 1/4, you get to drink the rest yourself!

To make the tostada bowls, I took soft taco size flour tortillas and folded them over the top of a bowl.  I then put them in the microwave for about 1 minute.  After letting them sit, they harded into tostada bowls.  We put chopped cabbage on the bottom and then the Shrimp Ceviche on top.  Mark liked this recipe as well and gave me the go ahead to make it again. 

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