Friday, December 16, 2011

Faultline Brewery

Mark and I took a trip to Faultline one Friday night for dinner and their sampler.  We've had the sampler here a few times before.  Their beer is enjoyable but not particularly memorable.  We like how many different brews they have on tap.  However, generally only one of them rotates so there isn't very much change in their beer between visits. 
 Some hightlights:

Hefeweizen-  This is a Bavarian style Hefeweizen which I really enjoy and is slowly growing on Mark.  The typical banana and cloves flavors are there which makes it a beer I like. 

Best Bitter- I had a pint of this one on my first visit to Faultline.  It is malty, with a carmel flavor, and sweet but not overdone.  Mark isn't too impressed with this style of beer though so I like it more than him. 

Stout- Roasted, chocolate flavor and a good way to round out the sampler. 

Not too many details overall on this sampler.  Definately beer we enjoy drinking, but not one of our go to local breweries or brew pubs.

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